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Booking request - School Group Visit to Dunedin Botanic Garden

Please complete all fields - required fields are marked with an asterix *.

(teachers/supervisors to children)
(please type in a valid email address - name@domain, (eg, etc)
(please tell us the times you are visiting e.g. 2pm to 4pm)


Weather conditions
(please select the option for your visit if it is affected by adverse weather)

(if applicable)


Please select location you are starting your visit

e.g. Rhododendron Dell, Rock Garden, Aviary, Playground, trails (New Zealand return in one hilly hour). Please note: the bandstand is not available for booking; however, you may use it if no one else is using it at the time of your visit
(include things like feeding ducks, using the playground, having a picnic lunch, visiting the Aviary, as well as your own activities/program you want to do)

You will receive a Thank you page in this browser window and a confirmation email upon successful submission of this online form.
If the form does not submit successfully, there will be an error message listed at the top of the form

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