Glamorous Plant is Tough
This article was first published on 01 Nov 2018.

Photo by the Otago Daily Times
Nearly everybody loves peonies, but not everyone in New Zealand can grow them. One of the many benefits of living in a cooler climate is the ability to grow plants that need lower temperatures.
Peonies, singularly referred to as the peony and botanically known as Paeonia, must have cool enough weather to maintain dormancy for about 60 days. After a good chilly winter, they can handle a wide range of temperatures.
Peonies can be divided into two main types. The tree peony which is deciduous and maintains a woody structure and the herbaceous peony which is a perennial. Herbaceous peonies may live for an impressive 25 to 50 years. They are tough plants, and can be lifted and divided when dormant, but take care not to break the large tuberous roots that store food.
Herbaceous peonies have started flowering in the lower botanic garden’s camellia collection. After flowering several species develop ornamental seed, showing off contrasting plump shiny black fertilised seed alongside the wrinkly, shocking pink unviable seed. Over autumn the foliage displays tints of green, red and copper.
Many herbaceous peonies are bred from the Chinese Paeonia lactiflora. These develop vigorously in spring, with reddish young growth. Flowers range in colour from white to pink and red to maroon, sometimes with basal colouring. They are also often fragrant.
Herbaceous peonies make excellent cut flowers, showing off their glamour and luxuriousness indoors. They can be cut when buds are just opening.